The club has 110 members from the Canberra region, NSW, Queensland and Victoria. Members and their invited guests, including family members, are welcome to use the Lodge throughout the year. For skiers, financial members can book and be guaranteed at least 20 bed nights per membership during the winter season. When possible and within member priority constraints, priority will be given to Members’ immediate family for mid-week school holiday periods.
The Annual General Meeting of the Club is held in November each year and all members are keenly encouraged to attend and provide their views and feedback.
The Club is run by a Board made up of members elected each year at this meeting. The Board which is made up of elected and dedicated voluntary members, oversees the smooth running of the lodge and the Club’s business affairs. This group is represented by the key positions of President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Booking Officer, Invoicing Officer, Liaison Officer, Maintenance Officer and Operations Manager.
Newsletters and regular contact is made to members throughout the year to keep members informed about the Club and their lodge.